Virtuous Woman

Being virtuous is something every Christian woman in her right mind strives for.  We all desire to be like Ms P31

She can even be a little intimidating at times...but a hero to women through and through. It has been said she wasn't even a real woman but a collection of women.  Either way we all admire her or consider her our nemesis!

This past weekend we has a bridal shower at church honoring a dear friend and sister in my church.  Everything about this sister screams virtuous!
And it got my thinking how virtuous is my life? How much of Mrs P31 can I see in myself? How much of her can you see in yourself?

Granted she is not there to become a carbon copy some of her tasks are a bit dated now.  But the essence of who she is needs to radiate from every christian woman, young and old.

I found this modern day version of the Proverbs 31 woman by Darell Cresswell. Enjoy!

I have written a modern-day translation of the Proverbs 31 woman. What makes a woman special is her relationship with the Lord. It matters not if the Proverbs 31 woman is a wife or a single mom, a godly woman serves her family because she serves God first. Her strength from God lies in the devotion to her family. She is the epitome of virtue as grace is her foundation and her strength.

It is hard to find the perfect wife
She is worth far more TV, sports or an I-pad.

A husband depends on his wife.
With her by his side, he will never be poor.

She cares for her him all her life.
She never causes him pain and heartache.

Her duties are both inside and outside the home,
She is a wife, mother, and business woman.

She shops for the best bargains even outside her neighborhood,
She delights in saving money for her family.

She wakes up early in the morning,
She makes breakfast for her family and takes care of the pets.

She is sensible with her money, and contributes financially, if needed.
She invests in her family’s future spiritually.

She works very hard to be an example of godliness.
She is strong in character and able to do all that is required of her.

She is industrious, finishing what she starts ensuring
That all the needs of her household are taken care of.

She is kind and giving to those less fortunate than herself,
She reaches out to help those in need.

 The seasons may change, but she does not
She always provides for the physical needs of her family.

 Her inner strength from God brings her respect,
She trusts in God for her future.

Her words are filled with insight,
Her compassion moves others in kindness.

Her home is where her heart is,
She dutifully cares for it.

Her children voice their appreciation,
Her husband praises her, saying
“There are many good women,
But there is none like you.”

Beauty can fool the eyes,
But a woman who respects the Lord is to be praised.
Her beauty comes from her relationship with God,
The world will see God’s work of grace in her, and she will be honored.

* Hope this inspired you like it did me!
Below are some photos of the Virtuous Shower  we held in honor of Miss Arietha
