What a friend we have in Jesus!

Working at my daughters school has given me  the awesome opportunity to make new friendships with some of the moms!

These lovely women come from different backgrounds than myself, different age and probably even share different christian backgrounds... But the sweet Lord has knit our hearts together, and for that I am thankful.

It never ceases to amaze me how Jesus is really all we need in a relationship.  It's so easy to be intimidated by people and write off friendships because they don't immediately fit our 'friendship' profiles.

When I look at my closest friends, I see a range of ages, races and backgrounds.  I feel honored to have such a wide range of friendships.

With October coming to an end...I want to close off my month of 'thankfulness' with gratitude and a tribute to my friends!  Even my newest additions who have inspired me to be a kinder person.  To my old friends who have been there through my ups and downs, I am forever grateful.  And to those friends who perhaps I don't chat with or spend as much time with as I used to, you will forever be in my heart and thoughts!

Today take the opportunity to share your gratitude with your friends!  If you have one good friend... You have all you need! 
And for those who are feeling a bit 'friend-less' at the moment... Remember 'What a friend we have in Jesus!'

Love you guys!

Here are some photos of friendships I have been blessed with...I had many more photos in this blog orginally but many of my photos would not load due to their origin in my phone.  So if you are missing :( that's why!
