2013 Annual Rally

Here is how I spent my weekend!  We had our Annual Rally at our Mother Church!  They celebrated their 25th Anniversary and ended the splendid weekend with a Banquet!  The weekend was a lot of fun, and really brought back a lot of memories of serving God in my mother church!  As hubby and I have been our Pastoring in our city for the past 4 years!  How time flies!  Anyhow, here are some pics of my memorable weekend!

A Happy Couple

Lovely Friends
PHNY Ladies
One of our favorite couples (who am I kidding, my favorite couple!)
Look at Pastor Dave in the back ground!
Pastor's Wives!
Old Friends, Reunite for a photo!


  1. woo hoo! i made it on your blog hehe! That really was a great weekend. Glad you got lots of pictures to capture it :)

    1. Haha! You are famous! LOL it was sucha lovely weekend though! :)


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