My Monday Sediments

How do you like Mondays?
Today as you can see, Monday certainly isn't on the top of my list! Haha
Enjoy you week...tuesday is coming!


  1. lol some of those were really funny! i like the little boy :)
    you know, i actually dont find Mondays all that bad! Aside from often being tired at first from a busy Sunday i make it through the day as it were any other. I guess it helps that i dont hate my job lol but lets give it a few years and see if i still have the same answer ;) haha

    P.S welcome back to blogging!

    1. thanks for your reply Amy! I am glad mondays are not so bad for you! I have my seasons! MOnday used to actually be my day of rest until I started homeschooling....thats when mondays started to change a bit for me! Haha! Thanks for commenting and its great to be back at it!

  2. I LOVE Mondays, I feel like it's my most productive day! I'm a morning person so even on the weekends I don't sleep in. LOL maybe I like it cause I am free in the evening and I have time to myself, but the post are funny. How embarrassing is it that I am commenting on your post and haven't replied to your text lol opps.


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