A Tribute to the PW....

Years ago, this poem was placed in my hand and truly placed in my heart forever. I thought I would share these precious words with you...in dedication to The Pastors Wife.

The Pastor's Wife
Rosalea Sislane

She's a godly women, she has such grace, always a warm greeting, a smile on her face.
She's always encouraging, she knows her place, she's the Pastor's Wife.

She has to always look just right, always on time, though the schedules tight.
From early morning, to late at night, she's the Pastor's Wife.

She's such a lady, she's everyone's friend.
She serves with love from deep within and all the rifts she tries to mend, she's the Pastor's Wife.

She carries your burdens, she prays for you, and sometimes she cries the whole night through.
You rarely will know when she's feeling blue, she's the Pastor's Wife

At church, as she begins to walk up the isle, so many need to stop and talk for awhile
Though she's tired and has her own trials, she's patient, she's the Pastor's Wife.

Her life, her time,is not her own. There is always a need, they go on and on.
With a knock on the door or a ring on the phone, that's the life of the Pastor's Wife

Her husband she shares with the whole congregation, she humbly accepts his intense dedication.
In loneliness she kneels to seek consolation, God bless the Pastor's Wife

Someday she will reach the end of her race, as she meets her Master face to face.
Surely our God has a special place in heaven for the Pastor's Wife.

My Heart: Every time I read this poem I am reminded of my own Pastor's Wife and all the she had done for her church (myself). I am so thankful for her and the sacrifices she has made.  And to all the PW's around the world,  hats off to you! The words in this poem that bring me the most encouragement is" she meets her master face to face, surely our God has a special place in heaven to the Pastors Wife"  Be encouraged all my fellow Pw readers, you're doing great...just keep on pressing on.  And to my precious readers your role in a Pw's life is so crucial.  Your prayers and kindness are truly coveted by your pastors wife, I assure you! :) Thank God for precious members of our churches!
Love you all


  1. Vee before you and your blog I never knew the challenges and blessings a PW faces. Thanks for being so vulnerable. I know it's a unique position but you are SUCH a gift to all of us who know you.

    Glad you cling to Jesus in and out of every life season.

    1. I am so pleased to know that my blog has given you a glimpse into this particular ministry! :)
      Seriously your awesome for my ego! lol


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