Who are you really?

(Just happened to find this in my drafts...hope you enjoy)

Who are you when no one is looking?  A question that sparked in my mind over the weekend.  Not sure how to get this thought out, but hopefully I will.  In the past 7 years of christianity I have made some observences.  Not just of others lives but in my own. We chrsitians can be fakes sometimes, lol or most times.

So let me ask you why do you do what you do? As a christian that is.  We all have our set of rules and guidelines that we live by.  These guidlines could be in the area of how we dress, what we watch, what we read, what we listen to and who we associate with.  They can also go as far as what time we go to prayer, how involved or not involved we are in church ect.  We all have our 'own' way we serve God.

That's all fine and dandy, but do your convictions really coincide with what's in your heart? Or is it what's expected of you?  Are your "convictions" who you really are when no ones looking?  If they are they will be short lived!  When ladies come to my church, I shy away from giving the the "Christianity Rules and Guidelines 101". Until they get converted all my rules and regulations could completely discourage them from serving God.

But there are many women who comply to standards outwardly, but the first chance they get to sneak a peak at that movie or wear that outfit....they're on it! When I first got saved, I didn't quite get why we do what we do, I just wanted to be apart of it.... so I just did it. I broke up with the boyfriend (I knew that was wrong), got rid of the music, tv blah blah blah.  But then as months passed I slowly began to introduce some those things back into my life.  Why?  Because I was doing them because I just figured that's what I was supposed to do...not because I genuinely had that conviction and God revealed to me through His word, Holy spirit and teaching that was wrong. I had adapted the convictions of others, not my own!

What a dangerous road to travel?  Serving God through the eyes of man.  Doing things so men will 'see'.  The Bible say "God is not mocked, whatever a man sows he will reap."  God is not fooled by our "show"!  He knows what is in our heart.  So although we may say we don't do this or that, He knows our true motives and desires.  As I grew in my christianity God gave me my own real convictions, and I was no longer looking for a loophole in the standards, but embracing them fully.

So my question today...what motivates you?  Why do you do what you do?  Would you live the same way if no one was looking?  Do you live differently when no one is looking? What are your convictions?  Some thoughts to ponder!


  1. Nice post Victoria :) A healthy thought for everyone to consider from time to time... to check ourselves, and then check again! :)

    1. You are absolutely right! Examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith! Glad you enjoyed :)

  2. Great post! like you, when i first got saved i just adapted other peoples convictions and thought i was doing well. But one day i had to really ask myself "why am i doing this?" and i realized some things i wasnt even convicted about at all!! i simply did it becuase a few other people did but it wasnt for me...hope that made sense! lol
    but yes, its important that we build our our convictions through our own relationship with God

    1. LOL it made sense! :) We can never coat-tail off someone else's convictions. It never lasts and eventually we resent it! If we ask God will give us our very own convictions, and another thing I might add is not stick to them and not let others lack of conviction or labeling of "supers spirituality" discourage you. If God dealt with you about something, you ought do it, no matter what anyone else thinks! :) Glad Jesus gave you your own convictions Amy :)

  3. Great post, gives one much to ponder!!!!

    1. Thanks so much! This thought is one I revisit often in my own life! :)

  4. That really does give me something good to think about! I want the Lord driving my heart and motivations whether I am alone or with a bunch of Christians or a group who doesn't yet know His name. Integrity really is a matter of the heart and an outflowing of the fruit of the Spirit like Galatians 5 talks about.

    Very wise my sweet friend!

    1. amen sis! God really calls us to a higher standard. We should be set apart, different and peculiar people the bible says. Sadly many Christians do just as non Christians do apart attend church Sundays. Convictions are what separates us from the rest of the world! :)

    2. amen sis! God really calls us to a higher standard. We should be set apart, different and peculiar people the bible says. Sadly many Christians do just as non Christians do apart attend church Sundays. Convictions are what separates us from the rest of the world! :)


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