Mondays (wink wink) with Lady Vee: Thankful-list

Whenever Thanksgiving comes about, we tend to reflect on the things in which we are "thankful for". So I compiled my very own 2012 Thankful-List!

1) GRACE- this is no cliche or token listing.  I am sincerely thankful for Gods grace over my life, especially lately!  If He lifted His Grace from my would be a NIGHTMARE!!

2)HOMESCHOOLING- I am thankful for this route we have taken with our daughter.  We are already seeing great results in her education and learning.

3) DADDY-I am just so thankful for my Dad.  He's just such a support and blessing to my life! He is always there for me.  And even as an adult I am still his "little girl".

4) GOOD FRIENDS- they can be such a refuge in times of needs!  I am vey thankful for the friends that pray for me and see me through my darkest hours and rejoice with me in my brightest!

5)SEASONS- I am thankful its not fall forever or winter for that matter.  I am glad for each passing physical and spiritual season!  I am thankful that there is always hope to come and when things get tough "this too shall pass".  Life never just stays the same old, same old!  Things are always changing, and I am thankful for that!

What are some of the things on your Thankful-List this year?


  1. Beautiful post Vee!! Love your grateful heart.

  2. Great list! Here's a snapshot of my thankful list, in no special order:
    * Life's personal cheerleaders- they keep your head up when it feels like hanging
    * That God doesn't look at things the way man does
    * Love- and how God's is unfailing
    * Babies that grow into big boys ;)
    * Potatoes (fried, mashed, any way, any time!) he he
    * Great books
    I could really go on all night! :-)

    1. Very nice list! Thanks for commenting! Potato junkie huh? LOL I luv fries! :D

  3. As I pondered on my thankful list the top ones are
    - God's grace as unfailing love
    - those who have been a mother figure to me
    -family and friends

    1. what a thankful list! :) The mother figure one is really sweet! :)


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