Dirty Mouths!

....but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison James 3:8

This never fails to happen to me.  I have a topic in mind.  So I begin to think of a creative, colorful way of saying what I want to say...and I am stumped.  Then when I just start writing the straight forward cold hard truth, the thoughts flow.

So here it is, girls are big time gossips.  Yup that means you! And sadly that means me aswell.  
We find ourselves chatting  and thinking about things we have no business in.  

Here are 3 ways Gossip Begins:

1) Gossip:"hey I am so mad, Sister So and So did....I am only telling you because I need "advice"
  Ohh please!  You know you just want to get the story out of your system because your irked 
This is how the bible says we should deal. "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over" Matt 18:15

2)Gossip:"So the other day I noticed Sister so and so was.....I can't believe she would do that, thats not very Godly...we should pray for her".  
 Eh em....you should pray for her, there is no reason to bring someone else into it
This is how the bible says to deal:S(he) who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. Prov 17:9

3)Gossip: (boredom) "So.....did you hear?" 
Ladies please think before you use those 4 words.  Plenty of gossip starts with this sentence
This is how the bible says to deal:And you, my beloved brethren, everyone of you should be quick to hear, slow to speak James 1:19

So How do we Counter Gossip?

I understand no one wants to seem prudish and say "uhh we shouldn't be speaking about this" or "that's gossip"  But here are a few ways to quench the fire of gossip!

1)Saint: "Praise God, isn't God good?"
Oh how these couple words can change the atmosphere of the room.
Bible says:Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name. Heb 13:15

2) Saint: (conversation starter) " This week you know what God did in my life?"
Set the tone of your conversations with giving God the glory.  Its very difficult for conversation to venture down the road of gossip when Gods name is being glorified in the conversation
Bible says:Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things  Phil 4:8

3) Saint: "Lord help me"
This is really what it all boils down to! We need Gods help.  We need to ask him to help us keep our mouths clean.  Help us to refrain from negative speaking.  To help us not to have "itching ears".  We need the Lord to help us find the root of our gossip.  Find the reason we need to speak about others.  FInd the reason we feel we need to be in the know!  This is where it starts! 
Bible says: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer  Psalm 19:14

My heart:
  I just want to say I have by no means arrived, I hope this post will keep me accountable to all of you.  And that as a whole we would all strive to  glorify God with the words we speak. And a new sense of conviction would fall on us when The demon of Gossip is lurking at the door!


  1. This is excellent advice Vee. It's so easy to facade gossip as a "prayer request" or way to connect with another woman. Thanks for pointing us to truth and godliness with our tongue!

  2. really like this post, I feel like this whole weekend was a voice of God dealing with me about gossip. I always use the excuse of "venting" to cover up gossip. Thanks for the conviction! lol

    1. Glad it helped you! Its helping me! hAHA! Now I gotta watch my mouth even more I have tons of "accountability readers!" hehe!


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