A Royal Decree, calling all the Ladies!

(Read with a British accent)

A Royal Decree...calling all lost Ladies!

Ahem, today I present to you one of my greatest pet peeves (do you hear the British accent)
I absolutely, positively am aghast at the lack of dignified women in the world today.
This generation of young women, is anything but. Sadly we have women with names like "Gaga"esteemed as examples of what it means to be a lady.  There was a time when women had a certain decorum, poise, stance and proper behavior but it seems as if those days are all for not.

As a Pastors Wife, it is my greatest desire and Titus 2 command to teach the younger women( that would include myself) To be Ladies.  With that in mind, I present to you  a List of what I think (and I am sure all would agree) should be expected of a "Proper Christian Lady  Mhh!" (British accent really emphasized in that last bit)

Lady Vee's Thoughts on Code of Conduct

1) To be a Lady is to....bathe every single  every day.  (seems trite, but bears repeating for the up and coming generation)

2) To be a Lady is to....work hard with your hands. ( This means not being Lazy)

3) To be a Lady is to.....be tidy...be clean. (this includes, rooms, lockers, closets,everywhere)

4) To be a Lady is to....have respect for Men. (sorry to any feminists out there, but we should hold men in high regard, we shouldn't be rude, unbecoming, or jest coarsely with them (that means crack inappropriate jokes))

5) To be a Lady is to....always be a help. (As Ladies we should strive to bless others, whether we are invited to their homes, for tea, or after church helping tidy up.  As ladies, we should be ready and willing to help without being asked, always looking for an opportunity to help)

6) To be a Lady is to.....be polite (Always say please and thank you, thank you cards, thank you texts, greeting others when they walk in a room formally, greeting others when they leave a room.  We should treat others above ourselves)

7) To be a Lady is to....model our life off good examples. ( You become like who you admire, so look to someone worthy of honor, your Mother, your PW, another mother or wife in the church, but someone who has these lessons down, ask them to teach you and to help you)

8) To be a lady is to...always look her best but....be modestly dressed. (oh how this is another post unto itself, but here's a wee bit of advice "keep it below the knees, not tightly please, must hide your "b's" we're not a tease, all while staying nicely dressed!)( I made that up myself ! hehe!)

9) To be a lady is to....think before she speaks. (how many times do pretty ladies make themselves look very ugly with the foul things that come out of there mouths, yes gossip makes us look very unattractive a long with senseless speaking)

10) To be a lady is to....be open to correction. ( We have never arrived, not even myself, so always be open  to correction, it only makes you stronger and a better Lady :))

My Heart
I haven't always been Ladylike, or had it all together.( and who am I kidding, I still need to take a few of my own lessons thank you very much :))  This post is written with a "Posh Royal Like" tone for effect. But for those who know me,  I am not like that at all.  But The lessons bare some truth, and should cause us all to examine our lives to make sure they reflect that of Christ.   When God looks down on us we want him to see us in His image, not our own!  So cheer up, back straight and have a Ladylike Day!

Thank you for Reading!  What do you think To be a Lady is....
Please participate Ladies...its lonely over here...


  1. sorry that was a bit of a long post :S now that I posted it I can see I am scrolling down for longer than I would prefer!

  2. Nice post ! I really enjoyed it! I completely agree- the concept of being "ladylike" is so foreign to society today that when girls/women get saved we need to learn these things. I guess one thing I've learned and (am still learning) is that it's not so much about rules to follow but about follwing Christ. The more our eyes are fixed on Christ, the more we become the women He's called us to be :)

    1. Sheila! What a pleasure to have you on my blog! Thanks for commenting! I absolutely agree with you that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will produce most if not all of these virtues in our lives on a regular basis! I believe Standards/rules and guidelines are a tool to check if our heart is in order! If you read these and think "ya this is so true I should strive to be like this" then you're heart is right. But if every rule or guideline seems like drudgery to you...its time for a heart check! :) \\thanks so much for visiting....and commenting! xoxo

  3. No probs, I especially liked the thank-you cards one, when I first came to church I was like, people really do these things? Still a bit foreign but i'm becoming more familiar haha.

    1. Great post Vic...and great comment Sheila!! Loved reading all of this lol

    2. thanks Karyn! :) Glad you enjoyed! xoxox


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