A New Look
For the longest time I have been fiddling around with my blog site to get the perfect look that reflects me! I have not been the most blog savvy when it comes to templates and making a nice design, but finally was able to figure it out. So voila! Here it is my new look. I will be adding more tabs at the top and different features as time goes on this is just a start.
There are links to my other blogs at the top and you would be interested to know I have began my "Sugarless Diaries Blog" again. So there should be weekly posts there.
I am pleased to be launching "Cookin' with Lady Vee", filled my favorite recipes, and ones that have been passed down to me! I look forward to this blog taking a step in a new direction and attracting lots of readers like you!
Anyhow readers, I want your feed back. What do you like about this blog? What catches your attention? What would you like to see more of? What do you think I could improve on? Don't be shy, I welcome constructive criticism.
I have really enjoyed sharing with all of you! And I look forward to all your feed back! Thanks
There are links to my other blogs at the top and you would be interested to know I have began my "Sugarless Diaries Blog" again. So there should be weekly posts there.
I am pleased to be launching "Cookin' with Lady Vee", filled my favorite recipes, and ones that have been passed down to me! I look forward to this blog taking a step in a new direction and attracting lots of readers like you!
Anyhow readers, I want your feed back. What do you like about this blog? What catches your attention? What would you like to see more of? What do you think I could improve on? Don't be shy, I welcome constructive criticism.
I have really enjoyed sharing with all of you! And I look forward to all your feed back! Thanks
Excited about cooking with lady vee!!!