I need a R E S O L U T I O N!

All good new  years come in 'mint' planners!

'Soooooooo, what's your New Year's resolution?' one of my besties asked me a few days ago.

Not because it's typical banter the first week of the year!   It's what I do.  What I live for, once the clock strikes t w e l v e!
My genetic makeup just won't allow me to stagnate.

Twice a year, I challenge myself to something new, something different, sometimes the same. Some years I fail, but most years I succeed.

In my world  'If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time!'

So here's to 2019's Goals and Aspirations!

J E S U S || My friend

Have you ever heard the old hymn 'what a friend we have in Jesus? Or the song 'I am a friend of God' While I often know in theory Jesus is my friend, I think I lack in the practical. So this year I want to be aquainted with Jesus, My friend.  This means talking to him through out the day, like I do my friends, checking in, sharing my joys and struggles.  Often we get so caught up in 'traditional prayer' language, we miss that intamcy that is birthed through a genuine conversation.

R A W  F O O D || 50 Percent

I mean what's a new year without the start of some sort of diet right?  Last year I did no sugar for half of the year, this year I am going to attempt eating a 50% raw diet. W H Y? In hopes that I can get me eczema under control...so make sure to watch out for recipes at cookinwithladyvee.blogspot.ca

B E  D I R E C T || Defender Probs

Towards the end of last year there was alot of talk about personality types.  I am a bonifide I S F J- Defender at it's finest personality.
While there are tons of pros with my personality, one con that I learned was that I am not direct about how I feel about things.  This of course leads to much inner turmoil.  So this year...I am going to learn to be direct in my speech, not shy away from stating what I truly think or feel. (This one will probably be the most challenging šŸ˜…)

Well there you have it!  My challenge for the next 360 some odd days!
So tell me...what's you new year's resolution!
I would love to hear!


  1. Love love love.
    You can do it gurl.
    Espesh the last one. šŸ’Ŗ.

  2. Going vegan for a whole year!
    Stepping out of my comfort zones..I have many lol. (ISFJ problems šŸ™„)

    1. Oh em gee. Vegan for the year. Wow. That's amazing .all the best .And hahaj to comfort zone .I hear you


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