
Its me...just ten shades lighter!

So this is the problem with Mondays....over the weekend, they seem like an anticipated day of rest.  Monday comes, reality kicks in, there are chores to be done, groceries to be bought ,laundry to finish and a  2 weeks worth of "to dos" that need to be scheduled into 1 week!  Why I continually fall for the "on Monday" I am going to get some rests routine is beyond me?!  I really should know better by now!
Anyhow today I am keeping the post is a recipe that I love and am making for dinner tonigh...its from the Abs Diet-not sure how this is "diet food" lol?  But whatever, its yummy!
Like always I remixed it to meet my satisfaction!  Trust you'll like & do the same!

Easy Peasy Enchiladas

10-12-corn tortillas-please get corn, that's what gives the yummy flavor
ground beef
1 large can of stewed tomatoes
1 onion
4 cloves minced garlic
cilantro-half a handful
chili seasoning
1/4 cup chopped mushroom
1/4 cup chopped peppers
1 can taco sauce
1 mini bottle jalapenos
shredded marble cheese

1)brown beef-add onions, garlic & seasoning
2)once beef is cooked add tomatoes , jalapenos& veggies-let sit
3)layer in lasagna dish, meat, cheese, tortilla
4)top last tortilla with taco sauce & cheese
5)bake for 40 min or until bubbly-enjoy!


  1. So I have yet to try that recipe. Although it sounds wonderful! I still love mondays though.
    Its the start of a whole new week of opportunities.

  2. - Dress: CHECK
    - Shoes: CHECK
    - Furniture: CHECK
    - Dinner.....dinner....*quick read Victoria's blog*!: CHECK ;-)


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